Wednesday, May 28, 2008

3: Amusement Parks and Science?

Dear all at 5Kindess,

Are you enjoying your holiday so far? As promised, today's topic is relevant to all of us - amusement rides during a fun fair? You might be wondering what Science has got to do with amusement parks. Well, plenty! Ever wondered why roller coaster rides are fun yet scary at the same time? Why is it that when you're at the peak, it always is followed by a rush downwards? And then, it takes a lot of effort to climb back up again? Follow the URL link below and see if you can build a roller coaster ride of your own, online of course!

Use the Comments function and state what one Science concept you have learnt from this fun activity.

P.S. Hope you have been selling the fun fair coupons!

Ms. Yeo

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